Thursday, December 28, 2006

The end... and the beginning

I started this entry last night but with the madness in my house it just got too late and I had to save it and finish it tonight, so here goes.

Well it is finally the end of Christmas and almost the end of the year.

Christmas was very stressful in our household. Running around getting all the stuff ready for our first ever beach BBQ breakfast, leaving an hour late, getting there and only one table left right on the far side of the reserve, the wind that kept blowing the BBQ out and ending up taking an hour to cook bacon and eggs, going to feed Caitlyn and discovering that I had packed the bottles of boiled water and formula but forgetting to put teats on the bottles so Pete having to drive to the closest local deli to buy some, the temp rising to 34 and Bethany getting sunburnt.

Then on getting home, I discovered that although we had been under a shelter and Caitlyn undercover in her pram, she had gotten sunburnt too. That night she was bright red and I think in pain so at 9pm we gave her a lukewarm bath and that seemed to help a lot! I was so tired after the long day and felt so bad at her painful cries that I broke into tears and kept calling myself a terrible mother for letting both my poor girls burnt (Bethany had suncream on so there wasn't really a lot I could do there but still continued to blame myself). Come Boxing Day Caitlyn was just a little pink and by yesterday you couldn't even tell. Bethany's finally stopped hurting today. Next year, I think we may just stay home!

My poor sunburnt little bubby

And her poor sunburnt big sister (in her new high heels to match her pretty dress)

And now on to the beginning. The beginning of the new year and the beginning of a new me (again). Lately I have really had the urge to start the weightloss journey again. This has been strengthened over the last few days while out shopping to get new summer clothes and having to get size 18 (which I swore I would never wear again). However I have been a good girl and waited the 6 weeks that you are advised to after giving birth (that and the fact I am still feeling pretty drained and exhausted at times). My 6 weeks runs out on Sunday, which is also New Year's Eve, meaning I am right to start on New Year's Day, which is my New Year's resolution (is that spooky timing or what? Just shows it was meant to be!)

So come Jan 1 I will weighin, take measurements and start a fresh. Might even give this old blog a face lift (as quite a few of us seem to be lately) I will only start off slowly and gradually try to get back to where I was. I need to clean out the fridge and stock up on good stuff. Thankfully all the cakes and chippies from Christmas are now all gone.

I know that there are going to be days when I am just too tired to get some exercise and I am not going to beat myself up about it. As long as I get back to healthy eating and a little exercise every week to start, by the time Caitlyn starts to settle down with her sleeping and such, I should be in a position to build myself up.

So there you have it. The wind of change are blowing in and my blog is once again about to change. Trust me, there will be days when all I talk about is my girls, but hey, my whole world revolves around them and without them I am incomplete. And by the end of this journey they will have a happier, healthier mummy and that can only be a good thing.

If I don't update again before New Years Day, I wish all of you the best for New Years. Don't do anything I wouldn't and make sure its a safe one.

Posted by Kim :: 10:10 PM :: 2 Comments:

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