Sunday, April 23, 2006

Long time, no post

I am so sorry for the absence. I didn't mean to worry anyone but my nausea has gotten so bad that I am throwing up, even with the wrist bands, I am constantly breathless and dizzy, have no energy and even after 9.5hours sleep (eventhough it is broken with toilet breaks) have to sleep during the day or I have trouble making it to 6pm.

I have been checking up on all of you though, while I am at work, my brain just hasn't been coherent enough to even attempt a post.

I know all this is good and at the moment I am telling myself "5 weeks to go and the nausea should be gone" as when I was pregnant with Bethany it stopped at 16weeks. Knowing my luck though I will have it for the whole pregnancy.

We have now told Bethany that there is a bubby in mummy's tummy. She immediately said "I hope its a sister" which is quite funny because when I was pregnant last time she wanted it to be a boy. Maybe she knows something I don't LOL. I have told her it could be a boy but she keeps saying she wants a girl and even today when she was going for a nap, she touched my tummy and said "there's the baby. When she comes out I won't be mean to her. I don't know what that was about but the fact the she refers to it as a her makes me laugh.

I have chickened around and still not told work yet. Everytime I think I will tell them before I go home, something happens that puts one of them in a bad mood or their daughter Jordyn is playing up or something and I just leave. I will have to tell them soon though because I discovered the other night that I am starting to show more than I thought I was. That and the fact I can't keep covering up how bad I feel with the flu. I have never known anyone that has had the flu for 3 or so weeks.

So there you go, am still here, am still ok (well sort of LOL), and am still catching up on all your journals everyday, even if mine is sadly lacking. Will make a wholehearted effort to keep in touch better than I have been.

Posted by Kim :: 3:34 PM :: 4 Comments:

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Nervous Day

Well today is a pretty nervous day for me. I am 9 weeks and 1 day. The exact stage I lost my angel in November. I know it doesn't pay to dwell on what we can't prevent, but it sits in the back of my mind and pops up at the most annoying moments.

Still feeling rather sick. It is amazing how quick I can get ill once I take these wristbands off. On Sunday I took them off to have a shower in the morning and almost passed out while in there. I ended up collapsing on the bed(put the wristbands back on), unable to move for near 2 hours.

Still not quite able to sum up the energy to start walking again, but hope to soon. I really miss it.

I have 3 weeks and 2 days until my next scan. It is quite scarey just waiting. I haven't been seen by a doctor or had any tests of any kind in 3 weeks and it just like waiting in limbo to see if everything is OK. I swear it's enough to drive the sainest person batty!!!

Well just a quickie today to let you all know that everything is still OK and I am still around. A big Hi to Nadia. Thanks for your comment and hope to continue to keep in touch.

Posted by Kim :: 8:18 AM :: 3 Comments:

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

It's all good

Yes, I am still around. I have been really, REALLY ill with morning sickness over the last week. It grew so bad that Monday I couldn't go to work and found it really hard just to stand. Did my first run to the loo for that all anticipated throw up and then collapsed while mum looked after Bethany.

So once Pete came home I went to the chemist to get some accupressure wristbands that I had read about in one of my pregnancy magazines.

They have like a plastic ball that sits on your pressure points on the inside of your wrist to stop nausea. I put them straight on and within about half hour felt 100% better. I managed to go home, cook dinner and do some cleaning.

Yesterday I put them on before I got out of bed and wore them all day. I didn't feel sick once, just hungry. I took them off early yesterday evening and felt ill within an hour. I can't believe what a difference they make. And if you do start to feel ill, you just push the balls a little to increase the pressure and it makes it go away.

I said to mum that if they keep working so well, I might be able to start walking again. How good would that be?

Unfortunately, they don't get rid of needing to pee, yucky tastes in my mouth, dizziness, tiredness, certain smell adversions and everything else I am feeling. But hey if they could do all that, they would be a miracle.

Weightwise, I was reading in my magazine last night (told you I read too much) about your weekly progress while pregnant. I says "at about 12 weeks that you may have gain 1.7kg by now". Well I am 8 weeks and am now 83.4kg, a total gain of 3.1kg. Not good. But if I can start walking again, it may just slow the increase.

Last Sunday was the day of my annual 5kg walk around the river for charity. It is the first time in 3 years I haven't done it and quite missed it. But ce la vi, I can do it next year.

Well that's enough dribble from me. Just letting you all know that now that I am starting to feel better (touch wood) I will try to improve my updating and get in touch with you all again. I haven't even had the energy to turn the computer on, let alone sitting upright and reading so am trying to catch up with all your journals over the next couple of days.

Posted by Kim :: 8:36 AM :: 3 Comments:

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