Thursday, May 25, 2006

1 week to go

Well I have one week of work left to go. As I drove into the carpark this morning I thought to myself "I only have to do this 4 more times".

I came in on Monday and as I was leaving spoke to my boss and gave her my 2 weeks notice. She said to me "You don't have to leave so quickly" and I replied with "Well yes I do really because no one will employ me now before the baby is born because they won't want someone who will just have to leave again in 4 months. So Pete and I check our options and I need to earn as little as possible to get maximum tax benefits in the next financial year" To which she replie with "Oh OK."

So the response to that has been; have not worked with my boss for the last 2 days. On Tuesday she just never came in, or so I thought, and nobody told me she wasn't coming in. When I came in yesterday I discovered she actually came in at lunchtime after I had left Tuesday. Then yesterday she rocked up for 5 minutes to drop off the mail and left again because it was her daughters birthday. Last year she had a birthday party for her and Bethany was invited. Yesterday she brought over a cake for Jordyn to have with all the workers during their coffee break but this year I wasn't even asked to come and watch.

Then yesterday some applications started to come through on the fax for my job. I realised it must have been advertised in the paper that day. She only received 3. The first 2 were from women with not a lot of experience who were 48 and 45. Now I know that Tara told me when I had my interview that she did not want older people as they found it hard to get along with Jordyn. And then the other application that came in after I left (I looked at it this morning) was from someone who has a fair bit of experience and is only a year older than me, but its a guy. Come to think of it she will probably like him because he can't get pregnant but wheather he would put up with Jordy is another thing.

So have no idea if she is coming in today. If she chooses one of these applicants it is possible that they could start next week if she gets the interviews done quick enough, but I have no idea what I would teach them. Yesterday was the day I come in for the full 5 hours and I spent 4 of those hours on the net or playing games. I spose I could teach the new person how to play tetris!

On the pregnancy front, I went for my first midwife appointment on Monday. It just made everything seem so real. My next appointment is on June 16 (I will be 18.5 weeks) and I will get my referal at that appointment for my next ultrasound which will be just a couple of weeks later. It's all getting a bit exciting now, although it may start to drag when I am at home everyday.

I am starting to get through the days without naps and am hoping to start getting out for a daily stroll shortly. I will have the time now to do it, with not being at work. My weight gain has started to slow down but I want to start improving my fitness again because I know I'll need to be as fit as possible come labour time.

Well will sign off now and go play some tetris. Catch up with you all shortly.

Posted by Kim :: 8:40 AM :: 4 Comments:

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Well, well, well

Firstly, a big thanks for your reassuring comments regarding the issues with work. It was actually quite funny but when all these probs started, I said to my mum and Pete that with these new IR laws I think they are trying to make me look incompentent in the busiest two weeks of the year so that the week afterwards they can get rid of me. I was told that I was being silly.

On Thursday, just before leaving I was asked for a chat. The conversation went as follows:

"Well Kim, as you know, at the beginning of the year when you asked to go from 20 hours to 17 hours it was on a trial basis to see how things would go."

"Yes I know"

"Well eventhough the work is getting done and there is very little to do now, we need you to return to the 20 hours (eventhough I spend a minimum of 2 hours a day on the net reading journals, looking at Ebay and playing games) and start working on Fridays too."


"We just think that even though there isn't a lot to do it is better for customer relations that if they call in the morning and call back at lunchtime that the same person is here to deal with them. We are also finding that things are getting lost... well not lost but details are getting mixed up when they get passed between 3 or 4 people instead of from you to the final person. And with Richard (her husband) now out building the new glasshouse, we need someone in here on Fridays as no-one will be in the office (as she attend playgroup with her daughter)"

"Well I don't think I can do that. I am only just getting Bethany to and from school as it is and I can't do Fridays as I can't get her there at all."

The conversation continued, including my pregnancy, and it came to either I do these hours or I leave. I was told to discuss it over the weekend with Peter and let them know on Monday.

So in 3 weeks time I will no longer have a job. My mum made me realise that now they don't have to worry about giving me maternity leave and holding my job open. And I realised today that there is no way I can get another proper part time job before giving birth as no-one will hire someone who has to leave again in just over 20 weeks. So I am screwed!

I know that with all these stress I was getting I was seriously contemplating leaving at the end of June but now it is going to be the beginning and it leaves us about 3-4 weeks short in wages so belts will have to be tightened.

I can't say now that I have a very high opinion of the both of my bosses. After everything I have done for them, including working full time while they went on holidays to the gold coast, and putting up with their nearly 3 year old daughter and her tantrums I am not very impressed.

It is for this reason I am only going to give 2 weeks notice on Monday. I was going to give 3 weeks, as I have nearly 3 weeks holidays owing and it would almost get us to the end of June and then we could get more in family payments. But then I realised that if I did that, I might end up having to train the new person before I go. If I only give 2 weeks then they won't be able to advertise my job till Wednesday at the earliest or Saturday. Then they have to wait for applications (and I remember Tara saying that they didn't get very many when I applied), do interviews, which at the earliest would be Monday or Tuesday of my last week, and then I finish 2 days later on the Thursday.

I know it is a bit spiteful but the way they have gone about it all hasn't been very nice either.

So there you have it, I knew something was up. Always listen to that little voice that says something isn't right.

Onto nicer things. I have started to feel bubs move. I wasn't sure but thought I did on Wednesday but now it is definate. My tummy has also popped out over the last 3 days. Pete and I went to the movies on Thursday night (to cheer ourselves up) and while I was standing there, mum said I was starting to show. I will take a photo soon. I only have 1 photo of me pregnant with Bethany as I was so big I had to make my own maternity clothes and they looked like tents. I was so embarrassed (even hiding behind my sister in one). But not this time. I have even just bought my first pair of maternity pants ever, size 16. They are so comfy. Still at little loose around the top but once my tummy really pops they will be perfect.

Well I am exhausted and totally ready for bed. Hope you all have a great weekend. Look after yourselves.

Posted by Kim :: 8:47 PM :: 4 Comments:

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Flat out and frazzled!

Geez! What a whirlwind of the last 3 weeks.

The last 2 weeks starting May 1 have been flat out at work as I work in a Nursery and one of the main gifts for mother's day, FLOWERS. Have been working overtime and extra hours hence not being able to get near the internet while at work and being so tired when I come home that I just didn't have the energy.

I am sorry if I worried anyone with my absence but now that things are quite (and trust me, work will now be dead until spring, September) I should be able to update everyday.

I finally bit the bullet on the 27th of April and told my boss about being pregnant (as I couldn't do overtime on the 5th of May as I was having my scan) and I must say since then, I have been getting not so nice treatment from both of them including getting blamed for mistakes that aren't my fault and even being told I have done invoices wrong but when I bring them up on the computer they are right and not even getting an apology. In fact last Thursday when this invoice issue arose, I was in tears. Pete called me for some other reason and was crying my eyes out to him. He told me if they keep it up to give my notice. It is very uncomfortable now coming to work.

I was talking to him on the weekend about when I would leave. I was going to leave at the beginning of October so I could have about 6 weeks one on one time with Bethany before bubs comes along. But since the atmosphere here has worsened, I have looked into the benefits we would get if I stopped working at the end of the financial year (June 30). If I keep working until October, when bubs comes we will get nearly $30 a fortnight less than if I stop working at the end of June. The problem is if I stop in June, we will be $50 a fortnight worse off for July, Aug and Sept but Pete reckons we could wear that.

So now I am waiting to see if things come up with my boss now that the busy time is finished. You see she is leaving at the end of Aug to have her bub so they will have to get someone in to take over from her (they wanted me to do it but had already told them before getting pregnant that I couldn't) and then someone to take over from me if I stay until October.

OK that's enough work talk, am getting a majore headache already.

Well as I mentioned we went for my scan on Friday May 5. As soon as the technicain put the scanner on my tummy I saw bubs, the heartbeat and started crying. I felt so relieved just to know that bubs was still holding on. He took measurements and showed us its legs, crossed in front. We saw both arms as to begin with bubs was waving. Then it started jumping like it had the hiccups. Then it started sucking its thumb and fell asleep. It was totally awesome. He even zoomed in on its head so we could clearly see it sucking.

We didn't take Bethany to this one, just in case. I made the appointment for while she was at school. But when I go for my 20 week scan we are going to take her.

Am still feeling really tired. My nausea has changed. I still feel weired during the day and have aweful tastes in my mouth but now the actual morning sickness doesn't really hit until 6pm at night! This is making dinner time quite terrible and the rest of the night just aweful. Hopefully, now that the nausea is later, the next stage may be to disappear altogether. One can only keep their fingers crossed.

Geez, I think I have written enough to start a book. That's all for today but promise to be back on top of things now that I have the time. Thanks to all for sticking with me.

Posted by Kim :: 8:08 AM :: 3 Comments:

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