Friday, December 08, 2006

Busy week

Well, so much for starting this week off better.

Monday morning I woke up with the flu, sore throat, stuffy head, migraine and runny nose. By Tuesday it had gone to my chest and thankfully I was still on my antibiotics so it seemed to lessen the severity of it.

Unfortunately, I am starting to think Caitlyn has it now. She has this little cough, but only when laying down so it's difficult to tell, and is also sneezing. Not much I can do there.

Last night we ventured to a major shopping centre to pick up my Christmas laybys, bad idea. It was a big task, we knew, but it wasn't made any easier when I went back to the car to put them away so Bethany didn't see them and locked the keys in the boot! I went back to mum and Pete crying my eyes out as Caitlyn had had her last bottle and I didn't know what we were going to do. So we rang and joined the RAC ($174 later) and after and hour and a half a guy came out and broke into the car for us. So we came home nearly 2 hours late with a very tired 4 year old, a very grumpy baby and I was totally exhausted, sick and miserable for costing us so much money for something so stupid. I dropped off Pete and the kids and took my mum home and then cried all the way back home. Let's just blame hormones, OK.

I think the only good thing to come out of last night was that I got the girls Santa photos taken. Here, have a peek.

And today we went and had their portraits done, which I am dying to see. We had one of both the girls in Christmas dress up, on of them as fairies and one of Caitlyn on her own as an angel and also surrounded in flowers. She slept through the lot and only started crying when I dressed her again and put her in the pram. But she went back to sleep almost immediately and is still asleep. In fact she is almost 40mins past her usual feeding time (she is feeding 3 hourly at the moment).

So I may sign off now and have a nice hot shower before she wakes. But knowing my luck, I'll turn the taps on and she'll wake up.

Hope everyone is well. Be back soon.

Posted by Kim :: 2:14 PM :: 4 Comments:

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