Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Here I am

Well I think we are up for a new computer. It crashed again and has taken us this long just to get an internet connection, let alone use of excel, word and email, which we are currently too scared to set up. We thought we had it fixed Sunday but it crashed after an hour (while Pete was installing everything). So yesterday he tried a different version of Windows and it stayed on for 6 hours and then crashed again while he was installing again. This morning I fiddled a bit and got just the internet working so am taking full advantage.

So from where I last left you, I managed 3 decent 30-45min walks that week and was most disappointed last Monday when I had actually gained 1.2kg for the week. Didn't do any exercise last week and yesterday discovered I lost 200g, go figure!. Spent last week trying to get the computer working, cleaning and getting Bethany's birthday sorted. We didn't have a party this year, just had family around. My little girl turned 4 on Saturday and she seems so grown up now. Have just tried to upload photos but it seems my computer doesn't want me to, so will do so as soon as I can.

Last Friday while drifting off to sleep I finally started feeling decent kicks from bubs. So hard I could feel them with my hand. Since them I feel them daily and it feels so good. We went for our scan yesterday and I must say I was quite upset and disappointed. We picked Bethany up early from school as we promised her she could come. When the ultrasound lady come in she said "you should have been told kids aren't allowed as I have to fully concentrate and can't be distracted". So Pete had to take her out. He was upset and angry, I could see it on his face. Bethany cried. She said she would come and get them at the end so she could quickly show them stuff. I turned my head from her and cried through the whole scan. The whole time I was in there she didn't say a word to me, didn't tell me what she was looking at or what was on the screen or anything. Then after about 20 mins she told me I could go and half empty my bladder. When I came back, Pete and Bethany were in there. She showed us the face, told us the heartrate and that all the measurements were good and bubs was growning the was it should be and then asked us if we wanted to know the sex. We said if she could tell. Just as she was about to tell us she said "hold on a sec. OK throughout the whole scan I would have said a girl as I didn't see anything but I have just seen a bulge. But there is nothing else. It is common for girls at this stage to have a bulge and because I can't see anything else, I would say its a girl".

So there you go. We're still not 100%. Again. The same thing happened with Bethany. I was determined I was having a boy as in the last month I have had 3 people I know (including Kate)have girls, Karen and Carla are both expecting girls a week before me, Nadia, who is due the day after me is expecting a girl and another lady who is due a week or so before me is expecting twin girls. So that is 8 girls. I thought there was no way I could be having one too, but we'll wait and see.

I have been around to all your journals this morning and caught up with each and every one of you, eventhough I haven't left comments, as I do not know how long this computer will keep going and just wanted to update you all, just incase I disappear again. If we do lose it again, I will try and find somewhere to go to keep in touch.

Posted by Kim :: 9:30 AM :: 4 Comments:

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Damn technology

Geez, computers hate me. Since Peter moved the reformated the computer, it only wants to work like every 5th day or something. We push start and it just won't, so today is a good day and I finally get to update.

Before I go over the last week, let me just say Good luck and lots of love to Kate who is today in labour with her second child. She is having a home birth and has managed to let us all know that the action has started. Was going to leave you a comment Kate but you have 66 already so thought you might never see it. Love ya heaps.

Speaking of today, today is a weird day. You see both Kate and myself were due today before I had my miscarriage in November. Since then I had been dreading today, but I think being 18 weeks pregnant today has helped. I now know that that baby just wasn't meant to be and am eagerly looking forward to meeting the little one I have with me now.

I finished up work on Thursday, and Paulene I did feel they way you said you did, but any extra money helps and I wasn't going to knock it back. She actually paid me an extra $50 more than she was supposed to, perhaps she was feeling guilty but I doubt it.

So starting yesterday I am in operation Clean. I am trying to get the house back the way it was before I started working 3 1/2 years ago. I did our bedroom and ensuite yesterday. Bethany's room today. Am starting on my sewing room and so forth. Once the house is back to good standards, then it is just a case of maintaining it weekly. I has actually tired me out for the last two days, but when I walk into the rooms I feel good.

I ended up doing 2 x 30 mins walks last week. This week I am aiming to improve that to 3 or 4. Went for one yesterday and was planning on going again today but the clouds carrying the rain that was forecast are starting to move in and I just hope it holds off.

Am pretty happy with my weight gain so far, I think. I have always told people that I only put on 10kg with Bethany but have found my old appointment card and discovered that it was 10kg from 16 weeks. So I don't actually know what I was at the beginning.

I am going for my next appointment on Friday. Am really looking forward to hearing the heartbeat again. Had some anxiety over the weekend. I just felt that maybe I should be feeling the baby stronger than I am as it is my second baby. The flutters are so light that I am still not sure if what I am feeling is the baby or wind or whatever. But I have read that if the baby is further back or the placenta is in the way, it can make it more difficult to feel the baby. I mean I saw it on the monitor a week and a half ago moving like mad and I couldn't feel a thing so it must be OK. It is just going to be reassuring to be checked over again.

On Friday I will also get my referal for my Anatomny scan. As I am already 18 weeks, I should be booked in within the next week or 2 to get it. It is so exciting to think that I am almost halfway there. I am going to make the appointment for a time that Bethany can come too as we have not let her come to any yet, just because of last time.

So it is all go at the moment. Am trying my hardest to also catch up on some serious scrapbooking. I have so much to do already and now with another bub on the way, and lots more future photos to come, I want to have as much done as possible.

Well that's enough for today. Hopefully the computer is over it's little huffy and will now let me use it properly.

See you all again soon.

Posted by Kim :: 1:46 PM :: 4 Comments:

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

So much to say

Sorry for the lack of info over the last week. I'll start at the beginning and try to abbreviate as much as possible.

Firstly, hubby decided the computer needed reformating and totally disabled it on Monday and only got it working again at 10pm last night, hence being unable to update at home.

Secondly, I know you all know that last week was my last week of work but there was a development on Monday. I arrived Monday morning and boss' hubby came in and said, " I know that this is your last week but we are just not in a position to loose you just yet. Would it be possible for you to stay on for 2-3 weeks off the books so as not to affect your family payments?"

Said I was unsure and would have to talk about it with hubby. Boss' hubby said " Fine, Tara will talk to you about it when she comes in anyway."

Tara comes in and never says anything about it to me. Overhear phone conversation between her and her hubby to the effect of "Oh, really. Oh, did she? Oh, alright then" and an annoyed hang up follows but nothing more is said. Said to Pete that night was willing to do an extra 2 weeks to begin with but now was unsure if they still wanted me but was starting to get annoyed about it all.

Tuesday Tara says to me just as I am leaving, "Richard tells me that you want to stay on for a couple of weeks" I say "Umm, no, Richard asked me as a favour to stay on because you needed me". She says "Oh, OK, sorry, miscommunication at home." Was really annoyed with the whole situation now so turn around and tell her "Anyway I can only do next week because the week after I have a dentist appointment and a baby checkup. She says "OK, next week will be fine"

So as it was a long weeked, am now working today, tomorrow and Thursday, off the books, and am then finished. Although, I have discovered that they have hired someone but don't know if they are starting today or next week. If they start today, I won't work tomorrow.

Next subject, bubs. Was at the hospital on Thursday as I had a terrible stabbing pain in my left side and some spotting that started Wed. After 2 hours, got to hear bubs heartbeat on the doppler and then see bubs on a scan, geez what an active bub, think I've got my hands full with this one. Was told the pains were my ligaments around my uterus and the spotting was put down to something to do with my cervix. Am find in that area, it's not weak or anything. Now bear with me, it might me TMI for some but others might find it interesting, was told that when your cervix seals when you get pregnant, there are 2 layers of skin, an inside and and outside layer. They are saying that when mine sealed, a minuted piece of the inside layer was trapped on the outside. This isn't a problem, it just means that when blood flow increase to the inside layer, a minute bit is coming outside to that piece, hence the spotting. It even has this really weird name but I can't remember it.

So now I can relax about the spotting.

Finally, it was my 30th birthday on Saturday. Got some lovely presents but had a nice quiet day at home.

Oh, I also managed an walk yesterday, seeing that it was 24 degrees and beautiful. I took an old route that I used to do in about 25mins. I took it nice and easy and did it in 32. It felt so good to be out and about again. Am absolutely going again today.

Now if all is well with the computer when I get home, will pop into all of your journals and leave some imput. I haven't meant to be anti social, have just been caught up with drama.

Hope you all have a great week.

Posted by Kim :: 8:14 AM :: 8 Comments:

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