Monday, August 28, 2006

Quick catchup

Just a quick catchup today as I have been flat out again and need to leave in 20mins to take Bethany to school.

Am 29 weeks tomorrow and am up to 93.1kg, a total gain so far of 13.1kg, so am happy with that.

Went for my 28 week checkup last week. All seems to be fine. My diabeties screen came back normal although apparently am lacking in iron. I was told the normal levels are between 10 and 200 and my levels are 4, explains why I always feel so tired. So have been put back on iron supplements, although nearly a week later and I still feel exhausted.

Also had my fundas measured (the size of my uterus, for you New Zealanders I think Carla referred to it in her journal as her puku). I was told that it should be a centremetre for every week along you are (as with Carla, she was 29 weeks and hers measured 29cm). Well I climbed on the bed and at 28 weeks mine is measuring 31cm! The doctor said it didn't definately mean that I might go early, we'll just have to wait and see. Scarey!! Bethany also got to listen to the heartbeat for the first time so that was good.

Am still getting a lot of backpain. I did actually mention it to the doctor and he told me the best thing I could do was to go for a daily 30min walk, it would help. So being a good girl, I did that the very next day and that night my back and my pelvis and my stomach hurt more than ever, so have been reluctant to go again. It wasn't like I went out and did a power walk, infact it was more of a pathetic slow waddle.

Bubs is so active now. Am getting constant hits in the ribs and pelvis. So as much as I whinge to Pete and complain about being uncomfortable, I love every hit I get, because I know everything is OK.

OMG, I have 10mins to get Bethany dress, hair done, bag backed and off to school, better run.

I have caught up on everyone elses blogs, although I haven't left any comments. Will be back to do that later.

Posted by Kim :: 11:14 AM :: 3 Comments:

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Two weeks later......

Geez, its been a long time since my last post and I really have missed it. Has been a couple of very hectic weeks for me.

It started 2 weeks ago with Bethany coming down with a very nasty virus. We had almost 4 days of fevers ranging from 38.2 to 39.9 degrees. Most of those nights also resulted in only about 4 hours sleep for all of us, 3 days of doctors vists and a very sad little girl who just kept saying over and over again "I don't like being sick Mummy". I felt so sorry for her.

She was back at school last Monday but then I spent the week playing catch up with everything that didn't get down the week before. And that brings me to today. The house still looks like a bomb hit it but I was adamant that I was doing an update today, even if it meant nobody would eat dinner until I had done it!

According to doctors I am 27 weeks tomorrow, but my dates actually have me running half a week ahead, but I go with the doctors anyway. This week I have to have my blood tests done for diabeties, so am doing that Thursday or Friday, while Bethany is at school for 3 hours as I have to sit around for an hour after drinking the sweet drink before they can take blood. Fun!

Am now starting to get things organised for my hospital bag too. Bought a 5 pack of brand new knickers to take, a new dressing gown, a pair of PJs and a new nightie to take with me. Pete keeps saying that there is plenty of time but they tell you to have your bags packed 4-6 weeks before your due date so that give me 7-9 weeks to have everything done. Seems scarey when you break it down like that.

Like, if I remember the date right, my ex-boss Tara goes in for her C-section this week. Thursday, it think it is. That means by the end of this week, she will have her baby. And it seems like so long ago that she first told me she was pregnant. So weird!

I have spent the last half hour or so catching up with all your journals again and I am glad that everything is going well for everyone at the moment.

Well, due the dramas of the last couple of weeks, there isn't really a lot to update on at all, just the fact that I spent much of a week playing nursemaid and the other week trying to get on top of things. So now you all know that everything is OK, I can sign off with a clear mind and start anew.

PS I have also updated my weight progress on the left hand side. There are 4 weeks of weights missing. I did take them but never wrote them down and have totally forgotten what the were.

Posted by Kim :: 1:30 PM :: 1 Comments:

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