Saturday, November 25, 2006

Here I am

Yes, I am still around, just trying to settle in.

I think I may have come home a little bit too early and the baby blues hit big time Tuesday night and Thursday night but now the fog is starting to lift.

It hasn't helped that Caitlyn seems to have a problem with my breast milk. 48 straight hours of the runs (to the point of running through her nappy legs and top and out onto her bed, the floor and at one point her daddy's jeans!) and the poor little thing was awake and feeding every hour. I spoke to my visiting midwife as the only thing I had eaten in the 2 days was Weetbix, salad sandwiches and meat and salad for tea. I had been really good so couldn't understand why it was going straight through her. Spoke to hubby and decided at 4am this morning to bite the bullet and try formula (I know, some people won't be happy with me!). Now after a feed a 4am, a feed at 7am and a feed at 10.45am, she has settled down so well and is sleeping at least 2 & 1/2 hours before stirring and hasn't had a poo since 4am but has had 3 good wet nappies.

Am expressing to keep my milk going and will still look at giving her half formula feeds and half breastmilk and see how that effects her. Want to keep the good stuff going as long as possible and if that means express, freezing or whatever I will do it but is amazing to see the difference just 3 feeds makes.

Now must dash off, it is Bethany's end of year dance concert in 2 hours and must get there and get her ready. Hope she does OK.

Will leave you with another 2 pics.

Oh and have spent this morning catching up with all your blogs so I am still in contact, eventhough I am not saying a lot.

Posted by Kim :: 12:32 PM :: 3 Comments:

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